Friday, February 02, 2007


Took this picture this morning. It's been a lovely sunny day all day. The weather has been kind these past few days. Dare I toy with the thought that the worst is over for the winter season? Probably not, but I'll take each beautiful day as it comes.

This morning I got an email from a friend of mine in Germany that I've just recently reconnected with. He'd been to a concert the previous night and was asking me what kind of music I was listening to these days. I started making out a list and giving him links to the artist/band websites and when I got to Beck I stopped and actually went through the website in detail.

The few tracks I listened too from the new album sounds pretty good. The site also had a load of video's to watch. You must check out the 'Hell Yes (one shot)' video. The dancing robots are worth it. I couldn't find any code for it so you'll just have to go to the site on your own to check it out.

Next down my list of links was a hometown favorite of mine Danny Michel. A good ol' boy from Guelph Ontario. I have most of his CD's as well. One of my favorite tunes is from his 'Tales of the Invisible Man' CD.
The song fits the day - Perfect.

Danny Michel - Perfect (album track)

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Ah Danny, when are you coming to Glasgow?

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