I will actually have my work exhibited for the entire month of March, but the 1st Saturday will be the party. With it being 10 months away the selection of shots I choose to exhibit will probably change over and over again until the day arrives and I need to cart them over to the cafe to be hung on the walls. Friends with vehicles, you know I'll be calling for your assistance. I can only carry so much in my wee little arms.
Things to do:
- Come up with an informative yet entertaining bio - Decide on the prices (needs to be expensive enough that people will assume what they are buying is art, but cheap enough that they actually shell out the cash) - Finalize the grouping - Figure out what order to hang them in - and the most important..... what to wear for the party!
I love discovering new music. There are so many talented bands but with radio being so restrictive in what they play it can be difficult to find out what else is out there. Recommendations from friends are always helpful, but if they live in the same post code as you, they are often a limited source due to being exposed to the same media environment.
One thing I've started doing since I moved to the UK is when I connect with someone on a musical level (it happens on occasion) we do a bit of a music exchange. Find say 10 bands the friend has never heard of then put together a list of tunes, links to various websites, perhaps the odd YouTube video and viola! New music!
But there is also the blogs.
One of the blogs I read on a regular basis is The Pompomist. This girl has a great taste in music. Like me she will post the odd wonderful find and I thank her for this. But this sharing is a two way street. I introduced her to the Canadian Band Sloan and just this morning she posted a bit on a band I'd never hear of Beirut.
I so need to find their CD's
Kind of a cross between Ron Sexsmith and Rufus Wainwright if playing with a Balkan Gypsy band. Wonderful!
I've moved to Scotland!
This blog is a place for me to ramble on about my ongoing experiences of trying to fit into a new country & culture - be it fun, adventurous or a complete and total disaster.
It's also a way to keep in contact with my friends & family back home in Canada. And surprisingly, it's also introduced me to some new friends out there in blog world.
Thanks for stopping by.
Cómo el S&P 500 impulsa tu riqueza a largo plazo
Invertir en renta variable, o lo que es lo mismo, en acciones, ha sido
durante mucho tiempo una gran opción. Aunque los mercados financieros
pueden …
The B&H BILD Show
Today and tomorrow at the Javits Center in the Hell's Kitchen area of
Manhattan is the B&H Photo BILD Show, a major expo for photographers to
celebrate the...
Years ago we had a swarm visit the place. It was exciting and a bit
frightening. I called our friend/plumber who has been keeping bees for
years and he...
New - The GadgetVicar Podcast!
A new adventure - I am diving into the world of podcasting. First up, the
lovely Bishop Andy Lines, who gets introduced to the world of Gary:Tank
March in Review
Books Acquired: N/A Books Read: Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot The
Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank Lumberjanes, Vol. 1: Beware the Kitten
Schroedinger’s Gift
This is for Advent Ghost’s 2018 at I Saw Lightning Fall. Short snippets of
100 words. Once upon a time a troll gave me a gift. “The day you die, you
will o...
Event: Graeme Obree at the Mitchell
Part of the Aye Write Glasgow Book Festival the audience with Graeme Obree
was all to short. I wouldn’t say he is a polished public speaker, more a
Adjust contrast of a pdf free
Closer to the eye of the shooter, this is because Preview is quite
literally applying a filter to each individual page of the PDF you are
saving. the proce...
Not With A Bang
This blog just turned ten years old! Like all ten-year-olds, *Through The
Megatonne Marble* is now keenly aware of its own mortality, and has begun
to cool...
The winter, it stays...
This time last year, we were in tee shirts and other cotton garb. We
revelled in the sunshine. Oh, how warm it was! How burned was my skin (yes,
really; I ...
Monthly Reading @ MINE Gallery
Exciting news!
I am reading my modern Gothic novel, *181*, serially at MINE Gallery in
Fairfax, CA, in a monthly reading series. This event is FREE and ope...
Wednesday, hushed
It is a rainy morning in Chicago. I drink coffee and listen to the cars
shushing past my home. I can tell when the light at the corner changes; the
sound s...
This small light the moon bestows
Do you remember my new dog (Lewis)? Why not? Here’s a picture to remind you
- and please, just look at how he loves me:Well, he’s dead. He got hit by a
So Proud!
I recently entered my Dad into a contest on the HGTV.ca website. It was a
DIY contest with the winner getting 1200.00 worth of tools from Canadian
Tire. ...
Not Phoning it in.
This week is the "From Ruins to Renewal" photo exhibition featuring about
40 of my images to raise money for the restoration of the Red Antiquities
Another Christmas Season
Hopes and dreams of a romantic winter vacation spent beside a warm swimming
pool, under the shade of a beach umbrella have faded to black. We just
could no...
I Know, I Know
I can't get over how long it's been since my last post - time, one of my
favorite subjects, really has the ability to get away from me, so...
Hmm, self-indulgent twaddle? Definitely.
I've been re-reading my posts. Obviously, you found it interesting enough
if you're back reading another one. I don't think I've gotten too far with
my ma...
My Bachelor Mockingbird really needs a date!!
It is 2 am. I am not asleep, I am instead listening to the cheep cheep
whirrr chirrup chirrup of a mockingbird. During daylight this sounds is
mystical, vi...
New Kids on the Block
A new semester has begun! And there is definately a new crew to accompany
it. I love how first of all we were all so worried that we wouldn't have
any fri...